Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Anyone have a good recipe for lentil soup or any ideas of what to cook lentils with??

if you like indian food, you should use your lentils to make an indian dish! Indian lentils are sooooo good %26gt;.%26lt;

http://www.top-indian-recipes.com/indian鈥?/a>Anyone have a good recipe for lentil soup or any ideas of what to cook lentils with??
French style with onions, thyme, sausage, white wine, bacon. Indian style with potatoes, garbanzo beans, curry, cauliflower. Italian style with tomatoes, beef or sausage, Italian seasoning sprinkled with Parmesan cheese just before serving. I love em' because they cook really quickly. Also great with cous cous that cook really quickly too. Celery and carrots are two other veggies that marry well with lentils. Making them hot as in a ';chili'; style with tomatos. peppers and some hot stuff would be good too.Anyone have a good recipe for lentil soup or any ideas of what to cook lentils with??
Yum! Lentil soup...basically just boil the lentils in water or veggie stock according to the package; at the same time, add carrots %26amp; potatoes, then later onions, celery, salt %26amp; pepper (anything else that sounds good, like leeks?) and let it all cook together. To thicken, shake about a tablespoon or so of corn starch in a jar with water, then stir into the soup %26amp; bring back to a boil. Serve %26amp; enjoy! A crunchy baguette is always nice with this, also.
My lentil soup recipe has carrots, celery, and onions in it. The nice thing is that everything goes in the pot at once and just simmers away until the lentils are cooked. Oops, I lied!! After the lentils are cooked, you add salt and vinegar. If your not vegetarian, you can also add some sliced sausage that you've sauted lightly first.
I always love to put lentils in white rice and mix it with yellow curry sauce. you can pretty much put anything in lentil soup if its a vegetable. Then put in vegetable stalk.
Good Morning!!

I have 2 recipes 4 U to try. I love lentil's %26amp; have grownup eating them especially during the winter months. Enjoy :)

Lentil Soup #1


4Tbs butter or olive oil %26lt;--(I prefer olive oil)

1 lg onion, finely chopped

1 carrot,chopped (your preference to add this)

1 stalk celery w/leaves,chopped %26amp; strings taken out

1 1/2 c lentils

7 1/2c h20 or meat stock

juice of 1 lemon

1tsp ground cumin (your preference to add this)

garlic flavored croutons


Melt the butter or oil in a lg saucepan %26amp; cook the onion,celery, %26amp; carrot 'til softened. Add the lentils, h20 or stock, bring to a boil,%26amp; skim if necessary. Simmer gently, covered, until the lentils are very soft. This should take 1-11/2 hrs, the cooking times vary according to the quality %26amp; age of the lentils, %26amp; whether they've been pre-soaked. In a pressure cooker, it only takes approx. 20 min.

When the lentils are cooked, season the soup w/salt %26amp; pepper and, if you like, add a little lemon juice %26amp; cumin. Simmer for a few min longer. Rub the soup through a sieve, put it in an electric blender, or squash w/potato masher to make a smooth puree. Return the soup to the saucepan %26amp; bring to a boil again; add a little h20 if you want a lighter soup, or evaporate by simmering a little longer to reduce %26amp; thicken it.

Serve w/sm croutons fo bread fried in oil to which a clove or 2 of crushed garlic has been added just as they begin to turn golden brown. Garlic is not always used, but it enhances the taste of the lentil cream.

Lentil Soup #2


1/2 lb Goya dry lentils

2Tbs Goya Olive Oil

1/4 lb smoked ham or sausage

1 sm onion,chopped

1 stalk celery,chopped

1 clove garlic,minced

1 Goya Chicken or Beef Bouillon

4 c h20

salt %26amp; pepper to taste


Sort %26amp; rinse lentils. In a mediun saucepan, heat oil. Stir in ham, onion, celery and garlic until tender. Add lentils and remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer until lentils are tender and soup gets thick. Add more hot h20 if necessary. Serves 4
I love Turkish Lentil Soup- and the story. Serve with a flatbread ( I use the frozen Nan from trader joes) and extra lemon slices

The origin of this rich Turkish soup is attributed to an astonishingly beautiful girl born in 1909 in the village of Dokuzyol, located on ancient caravan routes in the Barak plain. Ezo had red cheeks and black hair and was adored by camel riders who stopped by her house for water. Her story ends badly, though--her first marriage to a villager was unhappy and she was permitted to forsake him on grounds of maltreatment. Her second marriage took her to Syria and a mother-in-law who couldn't be pleased...and for whom, it is said, she haplessly created this soup. Ezo died of tuberculosis in Syria in 1952, but in the interim had become a legend in her native land in both folksong and film. Her name lives on in this very popular, stick-to-the-ribs soup--which is now traditionally fed to new brides, right before their wedding, to sustain them for what lies ahead. Serve hot to 4-6 people as a substantial first course or a great winter lunch.


4 Tablespoons butter

2 onions, finely chopped

1 teaspoon paprika

1 cup red lentils, washed and picked over

1/2 cup fine bulgur wheat

2 Tablespoons tomato paste

8 cups vegetable or beef stock

1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes

1 Tablespoon dried mint leaves, crumbled

Garnish: lemon slices and a few mint leaves

Heat the butter in a large saucepan and saute the onions over low heat until they are golden--about 15 minutes. Stir in the paprika, then the lentils and bulgur to coat them in the butter. Add the tomato paste, stock, and hot pepper, bring to a boil, and cook until soft and creamy--about an hour.

When ready to serve, crumble the mint between your palms into the soup. Stir and remove the soup from the heat. Let rest for 10 minutes, then ladle into bowls, serving each with a lemon wedge and a sprinkling of mint leaves (if available) or crushed dried mint.

1 lb. dry lentils 1-1/2 T. chili powder

1 t. salt 1 medium onion, chopped

5 c. boiling water 1/2 c. chopped celery

1 16-oz. can tomatoes 1 clove garlic, minced

or tomato sauce

Rinse dry lentils. Pick out any stems or stones.

Add salt and lentils to boiling water. Cover and simmer

for 30 minutes. Do not drain.

Add tomatoes or tomato sauce, chili powder, onion,

celery, and garlic. Cover and simmer 30 minutes more, or til

lentils are tender.

Serve over rice, spaghetti or corn chips.

Delicious Lentil Soup

1/2 cup red or brown lentils

2 pints chicken stock or vegetable stock

1 onion

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 clove of garlic

1/4 pint single cream

salt and black pepper

2 teaspoons cumin seeds crushed

2 potatoes

Peel and finely chop the onion and soften it in the olive oil over a low heat.

- Add the lentils, the peeled and chopped potatoes and the cumin seeds.

- Cook for a few minutes but do not allow to brown.

- Add the stock and bring to the boil.

- Cook gently for about 40 minutes.

- The mixture should reduce to a nice soupy consistency.

- Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

- Blend well and season.

- Stir in the cream and return to a gentle heat.

- Do not allow to boil.

- Serve hot sprinkled with finely chopped parsley.

And here are many more lentil recipes



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